Thursday, September 8, 2011

Reflections on Nine Years of Ministry

Nine years may not seem like a lot to many of you, but to me, at least today, it seems like some sort of accomplishment.  Many of my friends who are pastors have been at this much longer than I have, but at one point they were also thinking about what it meant to be in ministry for nine years.  Not only has it been nine years, but nine years in one congregation.  Mind you, this congregation is not the same congregation that I was called to nine years ago- it has changed, adapted, transformed, grown, stretched, re-invented itself. . . at least three times.  When I came to Monroeville nine years ago my now friend and UCC colleague Wayne Chasney, told me, "If you want to make a difference here you have to set your mind on staying for awhile."  I wasn't sure I wanted to hear that but I pondered it over and over for a long time and decided he was absolutely right.  (By the way, he is still serving in Monroeville after 18 years so he meant what he said!)  I am the second longest serving pastor in the history of the congregation, 91 years and still going strong.

So what have I learned in nine years?  A whole lot I can tell you that!  Stuff they never teach you in seminary. . . stuff they cannot teach you in seminary.  Here's an incomplete list in no particular order:

* Don't take yourself too seriously. . . life is serious enough without the pastor getting all serious all the time! (Have fun, laugh a lot! and don't be afraid to act silly.)
* Preach the gospel. . . people need to hear it desperately, they get the LAW perfectly well, it's the gospel that doesn't make any sense to them.
* Learn everything you can about underground water retention systems, you never know when you will have to build a parking lot. Also learn about capital campaigns, stewardship and architect's drawings.
* Don't DO EVERYTHING. . . if you do then no one else will use their gifts for the ministry and mission of the kingdom and you will rob them of that life-giving experience.
* I can't save anyone, and neither can you-- Jesus is the only one who saves!
* Failure can be a gift. . . it helps us move forward, learn and grow.
* Make sure your kids and spouse don't always come second to the church. . . you have a responsibility to them too and they need you!
* Keep in touch with your friends from home, they are the ones who knew you before you were a pastor and so they have a different take on things when it comes to your life.
* Love your people! Love your people! Love your people!
* Grow disciples. . . that's why you are there, to accompany the saints on this faith journey-- it's not about big programs or gimmicks but about developing people into who God made them to be.
* Don't get stuck being married to the building.  Someone else can have a key you know.
* Focus on the motivated-- you cannot motivate the unmotivated (Edwin Friedman).
* Take your vacation.  If you aren't healthy then the church will be much less healthy.
* Get involved in the community . . . it will expand the reach of your ministry. (I am will be starting my 7th season this Spring as a Track and Field coach.  Plus it uses a gift that I have and feeds my soul at the same time.)
* Know that conflict happens (wherever two or three are gathered there you will find two or three opinions) and don't take it too personally.
* Do good worship.
* Pray.  Pray again.  And pray some more.  And remember that Jesus is always, always, always with you, fully present to you all the time, wherever you are and that he loves you.

Well that's enough for today. . . maybe next year I'll have more but for now I think this is a good start.  Feel free to comment!


  1. ok, everybody out there.... say, sing or write your prayer of thanksgiving to God for the ministry of this amazing pastor!!!!!!!

  2. what a great list! I too am still at my first call, I like to say it's so different it's become a second call. Congratulations on your anniversary, and blessings on your ministry.

  3. Cool Julie, I didn't know you were still in your first call! We might be the only two left from our class like that! LOL

  4. As always well written! I liked the underground water statement best. Enjoyed and grew from your words!
