Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Things I Learned in Malawi: Education is a True Privilege

He who thinks little of the ABC's will never be a man of great learning. 
A Favorite Proverb Martin Luther Wrote on a Wall in His Home

I have always valued education. As a young child my favorite toy of all the toys in my room, was a chalkboard. I saved every paper that was returned to me in grade school and used them to teach my teddy bears and dolls how to read, write, and do math. (Okay so they had a hard time learning, but I'm sure by "teaching" them I learned the material even better.)

Our two children have watched us receive master's degrees and have witnessed their mother being hooded for a doctorate. They know that education is their most important job as young people. It's a culture we have fostered with them from in the womb and they know no other way of being. 

While in Malawi, one of the poorest countries on earth, I saw signs of hope there in the small village of Kanyenyeva where our church, and a handful of other dedicated churches are partners in an orphan care ministry. There are around 300 registered orphans in the KOCM (Kanyenyeva Orphan Care Ministry) Project and each one of them is required to attend school or forfeit the services they receive four times a week. (Food, and more!) It is not mandatory to attend school in Malawi. The government does not have education as a top priority. There are no books, paper, pencils, chalk, or crayons. There certainly isn't a gymnasium or a cafeteria. There are empty shells of buildings and some half finished that are presently unusable. (The new president promised if he was elected that education would be a priority. He started construction on school buildings and once he was in office he quickly forgot about his promises.) 

Funds have been donated to put a metal roof on but there are few laborers to do the work.

Unfinished building erected by newly elected President. 

Another building that was left unfinished.

Classroom for 80 students. 


The hope that I experienced is that there are people who are striving to get kids enrolled in school but it is an uphill battle. We learned that "ideal" ratio of student to teacher is 60-1. Imagine our teachers in America faced with that ratio! Yikes! However, the ideal is not the case. . . in the level that is equivalent to our Kindergarten or First Grade there are 200 students to 1 brave teacher. It goes down from there; in the 8th grade there are 80 students and 1 teacher. If a student actually qualifies to go to High School by their performance on exams, it is highly unlikely that they will be able to enroll. Their families simply do not have the $150 it costs for tuition to send them. We pay more than that to have our kids play Varsity Sports at our High School in Norwalk, Ohio. 

Together, we are making a difference! The churches who are a part of the Malawi Orphan Care Project are constantly raising funds to get kids to High School. This year, thankfully, almost 40 students qualified to enter High School. We have about half the money at present with a deadline of 2 weeks away when the term begins. We will do it! I know we will. People are responding already because they know that education is the way to change the world, one student at a time. 

As your children head back to school, think about how blessed we are in this country. We complain way too much about our teachers (a most precious resource!), our schools (palaces compared to the third world), common core (at least we have people who consider what our kids should be taught and they work to provide materials), and a whole host of other things we take for granted. Rejoice that our kids are learning and don't have to walk five miles to a beat up building, try to learn without resources, try to learn with 199 others in one class, and are not simply too hungry and tired to learn most days. Education in some places in the world is not a human right, it is a privilege. We would do well to keep that in mind. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Things I Learned in Malawi, Africa: Our Elders are an Amazing Gift!

Everywhere we go in this short life of ours we learn things. Sometimes they are practical, sometimes they are spiritual, sometimes they are lessons that God has been working on us to figure out for a long time. I recently returned from a two week journey to the country of Malawi where my congregation is a mission partner with an Orphan Care Project. (Google Malawi Orphan Care Project for more information). The site of this project is in a small village outside the town of Salima called Kanyenyeva. It is named for a large hill that occupies space there. It is very remote and fairly densely populated by villagers who live on very little. The spirit of these people is anything but little! They are the warmest, most loving people I have ever met. Their smiles are the most genuine expressions I have ever seen. Their affection is tender and sincere. I know I have changed. .  . I am waiting for God to reveal to me in what ways that has happened.

While I wait for the Holy Spirit to do its work within me, which is often a long process, I want to share with those of you who are kind enough to read my ramblings, some of the things I have learned from this amazing journey. My intention is to write a number of articles with the same title (or nearly so) in the next weeks (maybe longer) as I reflect on my short time in a place I grew to love and hated to leave.

Robina and Mom: These two hit it off famously!

One of the most profound and beautiful things that touched me is where I will begin with this post. My 71 year old mother made this trip with me and 7 others. It was the fulfillment of dream of hers and I was honored to accompany her on this journey. She did marvelously! When we first arrived in Kanyenyeva we were met by the elders of the community and the children of the project. They met our van at the end of a long dusty road that leads to the project with singing and a welcome banner. We could not understand their words but in our hearts we knew exactly what they were saying. "Welcome! We are glad you are here!" As we reached the project and were ushered into the brick hall where teaching and feeding takes place, they danced and sang to us, and grabbed our hands so we would join them in the dance. It was incredible. As we were all introduced to the group that had gathered that day, when it came time for the people to meet my mother, she was introduced as the mom of Abusa Amy. Abusa means pastor in Chichewa. All who were gathered cheered loudly for this person they had just met. Their praise of her was twice as much as any other on the team. My eyes pricked with the potential of tears as I realized that in this culture those who are older are highly valued. This is as it should be!

We can learn much from this show of respect and admiration to those who lived many years more than we have. Their wisdom and experience is hard won by the struggles they have endured in this lifetime. Instead in our county and culture I see something very different. I see elders being pushed aside and viewed as a burden on our time and energy. We are all God's children and thus we are all valuable and precious. We have much to learn from those in our lives who have a few years on us. May God humble us from our egos and complacency and help us to see the incredible gift of knowledge and wisdom that is present in those who are the oldest among us.

Give thanks for those in your life and in your parish who have been there, done that! Talk to them, ask them to share what they have learned. You won't regret it! In fact I believe you will be blessed and filled. It is our call from God to cherish all people and not shove anyone aside. Those who have life experience that outnumbers our own are full of stories and lessons and love that we cannot imagine if we fail to see them and celebrate them.

Have a blessed day!
