Monday, August 15, 2011

So glad I don't have to take a number. . .

We are studying the Formula of Concord in our parish.  This is a document produced by the second generation of Lutheran theologians as they sought to hammer out orthodox teaching amongst themselves and other evangelicals of the 16th Century.

In the Epitome of the FC, Article VII The Lord's Supper, one of the negative theses (where they cite those tenets with which they disagree) states, "That God, according to all His omnipotence, is not able to cause His body to be essentially present in more than one place at one time."  Remember, they are disagreeing with this statement as apparently the Sacramentarians said that God cannot be fully present in more than one place, or more than one altar, in more than one church at any single moment.  To which dear Ramona said, "I give thanks everyday that I don't have to take a number or stand in line to receive God's mercy and grace."  Amen to that!

What if God really was that busy and that single minded that we had to wait our turn to receive his mercy and the benefits of Christ?  Some might already say that as they wait for a diagnosis, for comfort, for an answer about something they have been praying for for so long.  Take a number, please and God will get right to you!  Get in line here, sign in, and when God is ready for you He will call you into his office.  It might be a little while because right now God is out to lunch with his Kiwanis buddies.  But don't worry, it will happen all in God's good time!

Thanks be to God that He is NOT like that!  Christ is fully present to us in faith ALL the time!  We don't have to wait in line, or fill out an application, or call ahead for a reservation. . . God wants to hear our deepest felt needs and we can talk to Him anytime we feel like opening our hearts or our mouths!  Not only that but He is present with every believer, in every church, at every worksite, in every classroom, at every gathering of the faithful all the time!  Count on it, don't doubt it!

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