Monday, April 2, 2012

Emptiness. . . Room for Christ

Philippians 2:5Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, 7but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, 8he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross.

Have you ever felt completely empty?

I mean, really, really empty. . . like there is nothing left to give no matter how much might be needed of you? You can be honest, go ahead, it is okay you know to be that honest (with yourself, with your loved ones, with God).  That kind of emptiness can be very uncomfortable because we like to be in control of all aspects of life.  It is too close to annihilation though, we think, when we begin to recognize that we are that empty inside.  We might try to fill it with food, drink, sex, things that will grab out attention and hold it for more than a minute. . . and yet the reality that seems counterintuitive.  Push the feelings down (we think)!  Keep ourselves ultra-busy (we try)!  Anything to dismiss the emptiness we feel inside, an emptiness that makes us think we are unworthy, unloveable, unattractive, un-you/name/it.

Christ emptied himself, though in the form of God, though completely one hundred percent divine. . . the Savior of the world let all of that go in order to be fully human in solidarity with us mere mortals. He emptied himself unto death and here's the thing-- as followers, as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to empty ourselves as well.  Empty out the shame.  Empty out the need to be in charge.  Empty out our self sufficiency and self reliance.  Empty out our guilt.  Empty out our anger and regret and complacency and make room for what Christ offers us when we are empty.

When we can recognize our situation of emptiness, only then can we allow Christ to fill us up.  Christ's love will fill all the cracks and crevices of our desolation.  Christ's radiance will fill us with life and light.  Christ's mercy and forgiveness fill our hearts to overflowing. . . and heaven knows when we are empty that he is the ONLY one who can fill that void.

This Holy Week may you see, hear, feel, touch, taste, sing about, dwell in and be filled up to capacity with the love of Christ Jesus our Savior who emptied himself for us so that we might be filled forever. Amen.

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