Saturday, December 10, 2011

Walking in His Footsteps

Yesterday morning, Martin and I took our first walk in the snow of this season.  He absolutely loves the snow!  I tolerate it and let's leave it at that.  Our course is one and a half miles out and one and a half miles back on a trail that has a canopy of trees in several places that shelters those who journey along the way.  Yesterday morning that canopy was sparkling with new fallen snow. . . the tiniest twigs were clothed in white powder and it was quiet. . . very, very quiet.  One person had made it there before we did, and several rabbits had also made their mark.

As we went along I found myself walking in the footsteps of the person who had traveled the trail hours earlier.  I thought to myself who this person must have been about my height because my shoes fit perfectly in the tracks and it was a comfortable stride from step to step.  Whose footsteps were these?  Any shorter or longer and it would have been uncomfortable for me to match.  I will never know whose those tracks belonged to, most likely someone I pass out there often, someone I nod and greet as they turn back and I continue on.  It doesn't really matter I suppose. . . what matters is that it got me to thinking about whose footsteps we follow on this Christian life.

Jesus has paved the way for us, he has gone before us on this journey of faith and life.  He has walked, worked, taught, nurtured, loved, lost, been betrayed, been left alone, been anointed, been fed, has fed others. . . and he has left his tracks for us to match stride for stride like the ones I walked in the fallen snow.  For each one of us, no matter how long or short our gait is, no matter how big or small our feet are, the path is mapped out perfectly for each of us according to who we are and whose we are.  When we get in a groove, a rhythm, of following Christ we may not even realize that we are walking in his footsteps but as our lives are transformed by his love we begin to do what he did. . . we are drawn to caring for others, to looking out for our neighbors and friends and yes, even strangers.

Jesus promised (Matthew 28) to always be with us, even to the end of the age.  Do you see his footsteps in front of you?  Do you see the prints he has made in your life?  You are safe walking this way. . . well as safe as any disciple who radically and obediently follows the One who was crucified and rose again!  The promise really wasn't about safety and security, was it?  It was about companionship, partnership and a never ending, incredible love.  You are loved!  Now be bold and walk in His footsteps!

Thanks be to God!

lmage credit:

1 comment:

  1. Timely post for me this morning as I am wrestling with how to serve God and return to meaningful employment. Comforting reminder of Christ's presence and wow, do I ever need His leading.
