Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Son Will Rise. . .

Earlier this week my sweet nephew, who just learned how to Skype and keeps calling me on my computer, caught me with a question about Christmas.  "Aunt Amy," he asked, "What is the meaning of Christmas?  Other than the birth of Jesus, I mean."

Wanting to know where this was coming from I asked him, "Are you working on something for church?"
"No," he responded, "for school.  I want to get ahead and it's a paper for English that's due when we get back from break."  Wow!  His teacher assigned the kids to write about the meaning of Christmas?  Cool!

So began a 10 minute conversation about the Incarnation of Christ, that God came to us as a human being to save us from our sin, to rescue us from death and to give us new life.  We talked about how amazing and wonderful that is, that God would do that for us!  He must really love us to be so concerned about our relationship!

Our digital conversation began at the manger, meandered through Galilee, went toward Jerusalem and a cross, and ended up at the empty tomb.  "God was born as the human being Jesus, the Word made flesh, the one who pitched his tent to live among us, in order to save us from our sins and patch up a broken relationship," I explained.  If there had been no baby, there would have been no resurrection.
I caught my nephew typing as I was talking; taking notes I presume, soaking it all in.  At the end of our conversation I could see that he had put it all together, that he knew this was bigger than angels, shepherds, and wise men-- this was about our human life!  And God's love and grace!

As I walked this morning on my usual path, I thought about our conversation.  As the sun came up I reflected on our words to one another, my only nephew and me.  I thought about how much I love him and how much God loves him!  (And me!)

I heard God say to me, "Amy, in all of your worries, in all your fear, in all of the things that you think you have to get done. . . the Son will Rise!  In all of your caring for others, in your concern for their well being, remember, I hold them in my hands.  In all of the busyness and small things that don't matter in the grand scheme, know that I am in control and you don't have to be.  The Son will RISE!"

On this day before Christmas I am reminded of the rest of the story, I hope this helps you to be reminded too. . . The Son WILL Rise!  

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