Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let Christ fill you up!

There are times in the human life when, even though we are surrounded by people, there can be an inherent loneliness on the journey.  

There are times in my own life when it feels like I am invisible, which is rather funny because of I am 6'1, curly hair, and stick out in a crowd you might say.  Sometimes we get so busy in our day to day routines that we simply pass one another in the hallway, the board room, the lunch room, on the sidewalk.  We look up perhaps, to give a greeting, a quick nod or half-smile but do we really SEE one another?  That kind of seeing takes real intention.  It takes a concerted effort to open our bleary, sleep-stained, stressed out, myopic eyes and focus in on what is right in front of us- perhaps what has been there all along!  

But it doesn't always happen, does it?  The seeing or the being seen.  We don't always recognize that somehow, sometime or another, we have faded into the backdrop of daily life. . . until a realization hits us that "no one even sees me!"  

One of my favorite stories in the bible comes from John 4.  This is the story of the Samaritan woman at the well.  You know the one. . . she comes in the middle of the day to draw water from the well so as to avoid being seen by the other women who would come early in the morning, in the cool of the day, to draw their water for the day's chores.  When she, who has no name, arrives there is someone sitting there and he asks her for water.  

It's Jesus.  

She is puzzled by this exchange and wonders why he, a Jew, is asking her, a Samaritan (hear- enemy, outcast, despised) for a drink of water.  Jesus responds to her bewilderment saying, "If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water." (The Message)

The exchange between the two continues and in the course of the conversation, I imagine the only real conversation this woman has had in a very long time, Jesus tells her all about herself.  He sees right through her and he is compassionate.  He can see how she longs to be seen.  He knows how she has faded into the background, less than important in her realm of existence.  Even worse, at times she has to hide from the others who look upon her with scorn at best, malice at worst.  A difficult existence to be sure!

Who can see you when no one else in the world seems to?  Who can fill you up with living water when you hunger and thirst for companionship, validation, affirmation and real connection?  Who comes to you with such deep compassion that you cannot believe anyone could (or would even want to) actually see the inside walls of your heart?  "If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water."

Rest in him who loves you. 

Sit at the well with him who sees you for who you really are- loved, cherished, valuable, precious, amazing, wonderful you! 

When you get the chance in worship, take his body and blood on your tongue and let him fill you up with his love and mercy and grace.  Be seen for all you are worth!  And take time to look around and see who else needs to be seen.  

Amen. Thanks be to God!

Image credit: He Qi, "Christ and the Samaritan Woman"

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