Friday, June 24, 2011

Ramblings sparked by a funeral

It occurs to me that what I write on this blog is nothing new to you who so graciously read it.  I am not telling you anything that you don't already know. . . thing is, I know that.  I just want to remind you of what you do know and keep you thinking about Christ and living for Christ.

I went to a funeral today for my best friend Kim's grandmother who also happened to be my mother's best friend.  Geraldine was her name, everyone called her Jerry.  Lovely, lovely lady.  One of the most encouraging and positive people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.  She loved Jesus!  She exemplified grace.

One of the best character traits she has was that even when she didn't agree with you on some hot button issue she would hang in there with you.  If you were a friend then you were a friend and that was that!!  She was one of the few rare souls you find in this life that are mature enough to be able to agree to disagree and still stay in touch.  She knew what she thought and she also respected your opinion.  That is what I call Christ-like.  

You know, as Christians, as human beings, we don't always agree with each other on everything and that is really okay.  But how do we treat one another in the midst of all of that?  Do we walk away from our friendships?  Do we refuse to acknowledge one another?  Do we sit on the opposite side of the room in order to avoid the discomfort?  Do we place blame on the other and take no responsibility for ourselves?   Or, like Jerry do we talk it out, decide that we still love one another despite our differences of opinion, accept that the other has no evil intentions toward us and move on with life?  I think that takes great courage.  I think we are called to just that!  It can be tough, I know.

Miss Jerry's brother in law asked me an important question as we said goodbye.  First I asked if I had gotten his name right, which I had and then I said what I believe to be true, "names are important and I wanted to get it right." It's a matter of respect for me toward that other person- he didn't care that much about me getting it right but instead thought about something else:
       He said, "Now Jesus- there's a name."

Yes, the name that is above all names!  Wonderful name, wonderful Savior.  Then he asked, "Don't you just love Jesus?"  "Yes, I do," I said beaming from ear to ear!

I love that name.
I love my Savior.

I love my fellow Christian even if we disagree.  And I love strangers too because Christ has given me the ability to love- I'm not capable of that kind of love-- but Jesus is!

So, I want to remind you today that Jesus loves you!  I mean really, really loves you!  More than you could ever possibly imagine!  And he gives you the ability to love others, no matter who they are!!  Isn't that amazing?  Jesus probably doesn't agree with me on everything either, but I know he still loves me just the same.

So, when did you realize that you really, really loved Jesus?  This is a serious question!  When was it?  As a young child?  A teenager?  An adult?  Maybe you haven't figured it out quite yet?

My friend Jerry really loved Jesus, she wasn't afraid to say it either!   She showed it with her kindness and generosity, but more than that--- she didn't try to change people.  She loved them for who they were.  She didn't try to alter their thought processes or bully them into changing their minds or behaviors or attitudes and she didn't dismiss them because they thought differently.  She just loved them.

Jesus says something about that in our gospel lesson for this Sunday, "Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me."  Isn't part of welcoming another allowing them the freedom to make up their own minds?  Martin Luther was all about that for the people he served thus the Small Catechism was created so that people could be informed and then decide for themselves.  I think part of welcoming the other is letting them have their say, treating them with respect even when we disagree.  Relationships are what is at stake-- when we are dismissed or chastised for our views then things go sour.

We may actually choose another church because we disagree about things.  It's happened before and it will happen again.  Maybe that's okay. There are a million and one churches out there, one for everybody who seeks Jesus.  Thing is, they are not one size fits all!  Each one has it's own character and personality and life-- all in Christ Jesus of course.  But when it comes to personal relationships I think we can hang in there even though we don't always agree and in the end everyone has to make up their own mind, do what is best for them and ultimately answer for their own actions.  Miss Jerry, I believe, would have said the same thing.  Rest in eternal peace my dear lady, lover of Jesus, saint of God!

Photo credit: Amy Little, Outdoor Chapel at Camp Mowana

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