Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baptismal Promises

In the Lutheran baptismal liturgy there is an ancient portion that asks the believer to renounce sin, evil and all that keeps us away from God.  The pastor asks the parents, sponsors and those who can answer for themselves, (I paraphrase here:) "Do you renounce the forces of evil. . . the devil and all his empty promises. . . that which keeps you away from God?"

Participants answer, "I renounce them!"

What does this mean in a world filled with darkness and pain?  People all around us, perhaps including us, are suffering from grief, after-affects of long term abuse, residual baggage that just won't seem to go away, not to mention temptation, frustration, and on and on. . . it seeks to hold us captive, denying us true life and vitality.

There's a line in one of our beloved hymns that starts, "Praise the One who breaks the darkness with a liberating light. . . "  Darkness is shattered by Christ's light forever.  It has no power over us and that is not just a bunch of empty words but the reality of life in Christ.  Oh, we can let it take us over; we can allow other's assaults on us to be foremost in our minds, holding us hostage, keeping us from growing and thriving, separating us from the One who loves us most . . . but it doesn't have to be that way.  I know it's not easy but the good news is that Healing Does Happen.  Prayers for healing are answered.

We can and DO renounce those forces of evil that seek to take away our confidence, security, self-esteem, energy and LIFE!  Christ's light frees us from whatever prison we might find ourselves in. . . "Praise the one who preached the gospel, healing every dread disease, calming storms and feeding thousands with the very bread of peace."

Christ calls us to come out of the darkness and into the light of his love!

Remember your baptismal promises and if you have to, renounce the devil every day!  Renounce the darkness and evil and pain that have a grip on you!  Christ is with you in this, he's been there/done that!  He loves you beyond all measure of love and wants you to be free to live, REALLY live!!  Amen.

Hymn reference:  ELW 843 Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness

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