Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Palms to Ashes

fronds from last year's
celebration, gathered, burned
hosanna to the King of kings!

throw a match in the pyre,
flash they are dust
smoke fills the air
billowing clouds of gray rising
to meet the King

soot, dust, ashes, remember
when breath no longer moves
within the body
remember you are dust

sign of the cross traced above
the windows to the soul
only He can see what's in there
wipes it clean with dust and ashes

paradox of faith 
dirt equated to life
life returned to dust and so 
the cycle continues in Him

cleansing, forgiveness, remember you
are dust
grace juxtaposed with soot, darkness
broken into by light
love crushes despair and fills 
the longing places, remember

child of God, I love you little
one, ashes, breath, newness
of life, remember

blessed is He who comes
in the name of the Lord, ashes
to palms, palms to ashes, death
to life to death again
hosanna, the King He lives

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