Friday, September 21, 2012

Welcome Children!

Yesterday was a day full of reminders for me about how many adults around us give of themselves so unselfishly to the children around them. This Sunday's lectionary text is Mark 9: 30-37 where Jesus teaches his disciples to welcome children in his name. Whose life do you invest your life in? Is there a child around you who needs your love, attention, support, mentoring, guidance, love?

One of my best friends has devoted her life to serving young people.  Unfortunately she was never able to have children of her own but here's the thing: she has her own children!  Gobs of them!! Children run to her knees. . . even my own daughter when she sees my friend, flies into her waiting arms, ready to tell her all of the events she's experienced since the last time they saw each other. This precious woman has godchildren that she adores, children in the church she serves that are the light of her days, nieces that are her pride and joy, kids at the school where she lives whose ball games she attends on a very regular basis. . . and on and on she goes. The love she has for children can be seen in her green eyes as they twinkle in a child's presence. She gives her life to them, each and every one of them that desires it. . . and I know for sure that they are better off for having her in their lives!

I have another dear friend who happens to be a member of the congregation I serve.  She is a grandmother, having raised two boys into successful adulthood. She could be done with all of this kid stuff, but no. . . a few years ago she saw a need in the community and so she decided she would become a Girl Scout Leader for the young girls who swirled around her! She faithfully invests herself in their little lives and they flock to her like a sweet mother hen who will look after them and correct them when they need it. They love her! She loves them! She has no reason to invest herself so deeply in these 15 girls' lives other than that is who she is in Christ. . . one who welcomes children (despite the enormous chaos!).

I know a sweet man who waits by the front doors of the church every Sunday to see if his favorite girl will walk through the doors early in the morning. He won't sit down until he sees her and she knows that this fellow is her kindred spirit. . . they got to know one another on a mission trip. Their relationship was solidified through service to others. She brought him back to faith. The love they share benefits both of them and inspires the rest of us to give of our selves to others, to form a bond with another human being and make them feel as special as they are.

Now, all of these kids that I'm thinking about come from good homes. And yet, all kids need someone outside of their genetic tree to tell them that they are worthy, valuable, important, special! Mom and Dad have to say those things you see; other adults do not have to say these things. The impact that you make on a child's life just by consistently being there, showing up, asking them about their life, praying for them, welcoming them into your arms. . . this makes us parents very, very happy! It does amazing things for our kids, trust me! We know we cannot do this alone, we need you to help us! It doesn't matter how "good" a child's home is. . . they still need other adults to be in their lives; if a child has a less than "good" home then they need it all the more!

Today I say thanks to all of you who give of yourselves to kids! Teachers, lunch room workers, janitors, pastors, neighbors, brothers and sisters in Christ, coaches, instructors, grandparents, you name it! You are very, very, very important! God Bless you! Please keep up the good work, we are all depending on you!

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