Wednesday, June 27, 2012

There's a Light. . .

I posted a picture of my daughter on Facebook this morning and one of my friends, who has known my girl since she was born, said how beautiful she is and that there is a light that shines in her.

Well, that got me thinking about the light that shines within us. . . at our baptism we are charged with the task to "let our light so shine before others" so that the world may see Christ at work in us and in the world. Is that what my friend sees in my daughter?  Is that what I see when I look out into the congregation on a Sunday morning and I see eyes filled with tears of joy, smiles pasted on happy faces, looks of yearning to hear more and more about God's love and mercy? Is that what I see in our small group when sisters and brothers in faith encourage one another and support one another on this journey?  I believe it is.

One thing I know about this light that shines within us is that it isn't "us."  When we are plugged in to the source of our hope and strength, something is exuded from our faces. . . our lives.  What people see in us is actually the light of Christ shining through.  They often mistake it for "us" rather than what it really is. . . the light that shines through all darkness, Jesus our Lord.  This light can attract others to us. . . it can draw them our way.  We must always remember that it is not to "us" that they are being drawn, lest we begin to rely on that kind of affirmation, but it is to the One who gives the light and who is the light.  That light is very beautiful indeed!  It is something we notice almost right away in each other if we are in tune with the Spirit. . . we also feel it within ourselves as it seems that love will ooze right out of us onto those we meet.  That's because we see Christ in them. . . we see them as God sees them. . . and we become the ones who share God's love with the world.  Just like the light is not ours, so the love is not ours. . . it comes from God and flows through us to others.

May you be light to the world just like my little sunshine girl!  May your heart be wide open to love others the way that God has first loved you.  May you be blessed by the fullness of Christ Jesus in your heart and mind and soul and spirit.


Friday, June 1, 2012


Matthew 5:44-45

The Message (MSG)
 43-47"You're familiar with the old written law, 'Love your friend,' and its unwritten companion, 'Hate your enemy.' I'm challenging that. I'm telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves. This is what God does. He gives his best—the sun to warm and the rain to nourish—to everyone, regardless: the good and bad, the nice and nasty. If all you do is love the lovable, do you expect a bonus? Anybody can do that. If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal? Any run-of-the-mill sinner does that.

With a very heavy heart I decided to take my dog for a run this morning.  It always seems to help clear my mind.  It helps with the catharsis process. . . 

Catharsis is a Greek word that means "to purge" or "to cleanse."  Sometimes tears just simply aren't enough to get the pain out.  Sometimes they are sufficient.  If you think you have no pain then I have news for you. . . there is enough sin in this world (our own and others) that if you would only stop for a moment to reflect, you would realize that there is some very real pain in/under/around/within you and the emotional/spiritual/physical space that you inhabit.  We all need something cathartic at times.  Today was a day for me. . . so I tied up my Nikes, clipped the leash on the pup, grabbed my iPod and off I went into the rain.

Now there is something very soothing about running in the rain, especially warm Spring rain.  The water was running down my face, dripping from my eyelashes, dropping from the curls on my head and cleansing me of some very great disappointment and struggle.  As I ventured the end of the trail, Lauren Hill's voice proclaiming to me "Everything is Everything," my steps got faster and faster.  Soon I found myself leaping over puddles that had formed in the dirt as if I was back on that green track in Athens, left lead leg, right lead leg, hurdle after hurdle like the 400 meter race I used to run. The Irish violins of the Celtic Woman spurred me on as I silently prayed for God's presence in the rain.  My own breathing echoing in my ears keeping time with whatever song came next. . . pushing me to sweat it out, to leave it there, to rely on God's never failing grace and guidance.  

When I made it home there was not one spot on me or the dog that was not soaked.  God was there.  In the running, in the rain, in the drops of water cascading over me like my baptism long ago of which I do not remember.  Only He knows how many more times I will have to run like that. . . how many times catharsis will be the order of the day. . . how many more times a human, child of God, will have to endure suffering and pain because of sin.  

But the rain continues to fall- on the good and the bad and all those in between.  But the promise is His never failing love, even as we seek to be obedient to His will to love others, even those whom we think we can never love.  We cannot do it alone.  It is utterly impossible.  The good news is that Jesus has done it for us- we who did not deserve such love, grace and life have been granted the greatest gift of all!  

If you are reading this- don't worry about me or about anything else.  I'm in good hands. . . and so are you!
