Monday, October 17, 2011

"Thanks, I need him. . ."

There are moments in worship that one tries to never, ever forget because they are so Spirit-filled, so profound even when they are so very simple.  The truth is, I've forgotten many of them.  Comments that children have made during Children's Time that I thought I would never forget and now years later I can only remember that they said something important but I cannot for the life of me remember exactly how it went!  So I'm writing this one down so I can look back it some time later.  Even if it doesn't touch you in anyway, at least it's here when I want to be reminded of my need for Christ.

As I bowed to the cross and turned on my heel to leave the sanctuary I made a quick stop along the path to give her a hug.  She was holding her hymnal so it was a bit awkward but what she said made every hair on the back of my neck and arms stand up.  It was a Holy Spirit moment and it just slipped out of her mouth as she came forward for Jesus.  "The body of Christ given for you, Melissa" I uttered.  Breathless she responded in a barely audible whisper, "Thank you, I need him. . ."

Thank you.  I need him.

I need him too.

Other than that exchange, I don't want to say too much. . . often I simply say too much.  Put way too many words next to something holy. . . so for now this is all. . .

God bless you this day and always!

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