Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's your favorite Gospel?

By Gospel I mean Matthew, Mark, Luke and John not THE Gospel which is the good news of Jesus Christ. . . I mean do you like Matthew and the way he tells the story of Jesus with the Magi who visit, with Joseph's side of the nativity story (12% of people who answered the March poll said they liked Matthew the best.)  Or do you like Mark's telling of the gospel and all of the urgency and the "immediately"s?  (12% liked Mark best.) Or do you prefer Luke, the longest gospel with the most parables (37% of respondents liked Luke best.)  Or is it John with all of his unique contributions to the story, the "I am" sayings, Mary and Martha and Lazarus, the Blind Man, the woman at the well, the wedding at Cana?  (37% said John.)
Post your answer here and tell us why you like the gospel that you chose!

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  1. I would have to say Luke is my favorite. I like his writing style - for me it is the most user friendly. I like Luke's Nativity and Passion accounts. Lastly, the road to Emmaus story is one of my favorite stories in the whole bible.

  2. Oh me too! I love the story of the walk to Emmaus! I love how they finally see Jesus in the breaking of the bread. . . wonderful images for the Eucharist there! Here's hoping that people see Jesus today in the bread/wine, body/blood of Christ at their local parish! God bless you!!

  3. Yeah, then they say something like how did we not recognize him as we were walking. Parallels with our lives - troubles, fears, doubts, and through it all Jesus is there whether we recognize Him or not. Pastor Dale gave a sermon on the road to Emmaus that really impacted me. Thinking back it was a real transition point. And God bless you!! You are making an impact for Christ in this world.
